1/4 Anna (One Pice)

I)   Issues under the Company. 1835 – 1858

Years of issue – 1835, 1857, 1858
Metal composition –  Copper 100%
Weight –  100 grains (6.48 gms)
Shape –  Circular
Diameter – 1” (25.50 mm)
Edge – unmilled plain
Obv –  Coat of Arms of East India Company – a crossed shield with two supporting lions on either side, and one on the top, flanked by two Union Jacks. A scroll below the shield bore the Company’s motto in Latin ‘AUSP: REG: SEN: ANG’ , which stood for Auspigio Regis et Senatus Anglie, meaning the Auspicious Reign and English Senate. The year of issue was shown on the bottom.
Rev – On the center, the denomination of the coin is indicated in both English and Persian, encircled by a laurel. The legend, “EAST INDIA COMPANY” appears at the top periphery.
Minted atBombay(1835), Madras(1835), Calcutta(1835), England(1857, 1858)
Km Number # 446, 463

Note: This coin is also found in sizes of 25.5 mm and 26.5 mm.

II)            Issues under the Crown. 1858 – 1947
A.   ‘VICTORIA QUEEN’ (1858 – 1876)

Years of issue – 1862, 1874 to 1876
Obv –  Crowned bust of Victoria Queen, with legend ‘VICTORIA’ on left periphery and QUEEN ’ on right periphery.
Rev – An ornamental circular wreath encloses the value of coin ‘ONE QUARTER ANNA’ in three lines in English, with ‘INDIA’ and year of issue shown below. Value in Persian is not shown.
Minted atBombay(1862, 1875, 1876), Calcutta(1862, 1874 to 1876), Madras(1862)
Km Number # 467

            All other specifications same as previous issue.

Note : Mint of issue of the copper coins issued during this period cant be correctly attributed.

B.   ‘VICTORIA EMPRESS’ (1877 – 1901)

Years of issue – 1877 to 1880, 1882 to 1901
Obv –  Crowned bust of Victoria Empress, with legend ‘VICTORIA’ on left periphery and ‘EMPRESS’ on right periphery.
Minted atBombay(1877, 1882 to 1884, 1886 to 1889), Calcutta(1877 to 1880, 1882 to 1901)
Km Number # 486

            All other specifications same as previous issue.

C.   King Edward VII. (1903 - 1910)
i) 100% copper issue
Years of issue – 1903 to 1906
Metal composition – Copper 100% 
Weight –  100 grains (6.42 to 6.56 gms), 
Obv –  Uncrowned head of Edward VII, with legend written in two parts, ‘EDWARD VII’ on left periphery and ‘KING & EMPEROR ’ on right periphery.
Minted atCalcutta
Km Number # 501

            All other specifications same as above previous issue.

ii) Bronze issue

Years of issue – 1906 to 1910
Metal composition – Bronze (95% Copper + 4% Tin 1% Zinc) 
Weight –  75 grains (4.76 to 4.99 gms)
Minted at – Calcutta
Km Number – # 502

     All other specifications same as above previous issue.

D.   King George V. (1912 - 1936)

Years of issue – 1911 to 1914, 1916 to 1920, 1924 to 1931, 1933 to 1936
Obv –  Legend ‘GEORGE  V KING EMPEROR’ around the Crowned bust of King George  V.
Minted atBombay(1924 to 1928, 1930, 1936), Calcutta(1911 to 1914, 1916 to 1920, 1926 to 1931, 1933 to 1936)
Km Number # 511, 512

            All other specifications same as Edward Bronze issue.

Note :
i). Change in the Bronze alloy composition: -- Bronze alloy was used from 1906 for minting low value coins and its composition was -- 95% Copper + 4% Tin + 1% Zinc. But due to scarcity of Tin metal, from 1936, the  composition of Bronze alloy was changed to -- 95.5% Copper + 3% Tin + 1.5% Zinc.
ii). Mint Marks: -
a) Bombay Mint – Dot below date.
b) Calcutta Mint – No dot present.

E.   King George VI. (1939 - 1947)


Years of issue – 1938 to 1942
Obv –  Legend ‘GEORGE VI KING EMPEROR’ around the Crowned head of King George  VI.
Minted atBombay, Calcutta
Km Number -  # 530, 531,

            All other specifications same as previous issue.

Note :
i). Mint Marks: -
a) Bombay Mint – Dot above ‘N’ of ‘ONE’.
b) Calcutta Mint – No dot present.

ii) ONE PICE(Washer Type)

Years of issue – 1943 to 1945, 1947
Metal composition –  Bronze(97% Copper, 2.5% Zinc, 0.5% Tin)
Weight –  30 grains (1.94 gms)
Shape –  Circular with a hole in center(Washer Type)
Diameter – 0.84” (21.40 mm)
Edge – unmilled plain
Obv – 
Minted atBombay(1943 to 1945, 1947), Calcutta(1944 to 1945), Pretoria(1943, 1944), Lahore(1944, 1945)
Km Number -  # 532, 533
Note :
i). Change in the Bronze alloy composition: -- Due to scarcity of Tin, composition of Bronze alloy was changed to -- 97% Copper + 0.5% Tin + 2.5% Zinc.
ii). Mint Marks: -
a) Bombay Mint – Diamond /Large round dot below date.
b) Calcutta Mint – No dot present.
c) Pretoria Mint – Small microscopic dot below date.
d) Lahore Mint – ‘L’ below date.

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