1/2 Pice (Half Pice)

I)   Issues under the Company. 1835 – 1858

Years of issue – 1853
Metal composition –  Copper 100%
Weight –  50 grains (3.24 gms)
Shape –  Circular
Diameter – 0.84” (21.3 mm)
Edge – unmilled plain
Obv –  Coat of Arms of East India Company – a crossed shield with two supporting lions on either side, and one on the top, flanked by two Union Jacks. A scroll below the shield bore the Company’s motto in Latin ‘AUSP: REG: SEN: ANG’ , which stood for Auspigio Regis et Senatus Anglie, meaning the Auspicious Reign and English Senate. The year of issue was shown on the bottom.
Rev – On the center, the denomination of the coin ‘½ PICE’, is indicated in English only, encircled by a laurel. The legend, “EAST INDIA COMPANY” appears at the top periphery.
Minted atCalcutta
Km Number – # 464

II)   Issues under the Crown. 1858 – 1947
A.   ‘VICTORIA QUEEN’ (1858 – 1876)

Years of issue – 1862
Obv –  Crowned bust of Victoria Queen, with legend ‘VICTORIA’ on left periphery and QUEEN ’ on right periphery.
Rev – An ornamental circular wreath encloses the value of coin ‘½ PICE’ in two lines in English, with ‘INDIA’ and year of issue shown below. Value in Persian is not shown.
Minted atCalcutta, Madras
Km Number # 466

            All other specifications same as previous issue.

Note : Mint of issue of the copper coins issued during this period cant be correctly attributed.

B.   ‘VICTORIA EMPRESS’ (1877 – 1901)

Years of issue – 1885 to 1901
Obv –  Crowned bust of Empress Victoria, with legend ‘VICTORIA’ on left periphery and ‘EMPRESS’ on right periphery.
Minted atCalcutta
Km Number # 484

            All other specifications same as previous issue.

C.   King Edward VII. (1903 - 1910)

i) 100% copper issue

Years of issue – 1903 to 1906
Metal composition – Copper 100% 
Weight –  50 grains (3.08 to 3.32 gms)
Obv –  Uncrowned head of Edward VII, with legend written in two parts, ‘EDWARD VII’ on left periphery and ‘KING & EMPEROR ’ on right periphery.
Minted at – Calcutta
Km Number – # 499

            All other specifications same as above previous issue.

ii) Bronze issue

Years of issue – 1906 to 1910
Metal composition – Bronze (95% Copper + 4% Tin 1% Zinc) 
Weight –  37.5 grains(2.36 to 2.49 gms)
Minted at – Calcutta
Km Number – # 500

     All other specifications same as above previous issue.

D.   King George V. (1912 - 1936)

Years of issue – 1912 to 1936
Obv –  Legend ‘GEORGE  V KING EMPEROR’ around the Crowned bust of King George  V.
Minted atCalcutta
Km Number # 510

            All other specifications same as Edward Bronze issue.

Note :
i). Change in the Bronze alloy composition: -- Bronze alloy was used from 1906 for minting low value coins and its composition was -- 95% Copper + 4% Tin + 1% Zinc. But due to scarcity of Tin metal, from 1936, the  composition of Bronze alloy was changed to -- 95.5% Copper + 3% Tin + 1.5% Zinc.
ii). Mint Marks: -
a) Calcutta Mint – No dot present.

E.   King George VI. (1939 - 1947)

Years of issue – 1938 to 1940
Obv –  Legend ‘GEORGE  VI KING EMPEROR’ around the Crowned head of King George VI.
Minted atBombay(1939), Calcutta(1938 to 1940)
Km Number # 528

            All other specifications same as previous issue.

Note :
i). Mint Marks: -
a) Bombay Mint – Dot below date.
b) Calcutta Mint – No mint mark.

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